1962年毕业于原南京医学院医疗系本科,1965年医学寄生虫学专业研究生毕业,1985-1986年WHO奖学金赴美国Case Western Reserve University医学院进修地缘医学与热带医学。
美国布朗大学国际卫生研究所Adjunct faculty member(1989-1994)
起止时间 |
项目名称 |
项目主持人 |
项目来源 |
经费(万元) |
2005.1-2008.12 |
日本血吸虫病疫苗发展策略 |
主持人 |
国家自然科学基金重点项目(30430600) |
150.0 |
,2004-2006 |
血清流行病学模型与确定血吸虫病化疗人群的技术研究 |
第二主持人 |
国家“十五”科技攻关项目(2004BA718B05) |
130.0 |
04.7-05.12 |
抗日本血吸虫感染CTL-Th1-B组合表位PDDV疫苗的研制 |
第二主持人 |
国家“863计划”重大项目(2004AA2Z3500) |
150.0 |
2002-2004 |
血吸虫感染致宿主免疫下调作用机理的探讨 |
主持人 |
(30100156) |
18.0 |
2000.1-2002.12 |
日本血吸虫特异性IgE相关抗原的研究 |
主持人 |
江苏省自然科学基金(Bk99132) |
4.5 |
1)“日本血吸虫cDNA文库的构建及功能性抗原基因的克隆和鉴定”1999年获江苏省科学技术进步奖二等奖 江苏省政府 6/8
2)“日本血吸虫病人群同种型抗体应答的特征及其流行病学意义”1999获年国家卫生部三等奖 国家卫生部 5/11
享受国务院政府特殊津贴 1993年 国务院
- Dan-Dan Lin, Jin-Mei Xu, Yuan-Yuan Zhang, Yue-Min Liu, Fei Hu, Xiao-Li Xu,Jian-Ying Li, Zhu-Lu Gao, Hai-WeiWu, Jonathan Kurtisc,Guan-LingWu,Evaluation of IgG-ELISA for the diagnosis of Schistosoma japonicum in a high prevalence, low intensity endemic area of China. Acta Tropica 2008 Aug;107(2):128-33(*Corresponding author).
- Dan-Dan Lin,Jian-Xiang Liu,Yue-Min Liu,Fei Hu,Yuan-Yuan Zhang,Jin-Mei Xu,Jian-Ying Li,Min-Jun Ji,Robert Bergquist,Guan-Ling Wu,Hai-Wei Wu.Routine Kato–Katz technique underestimates the prevalence of Schistosoma japonicum: A case study in an endemic area of the People's Republic of China.Parasitology International 57 (2008) 281–286
- Ji MJ,Su C,Wang Y,Wu HW,Cai XP,Li GF,Zhu X,Wang XJ,Zhang ZS,Wu GL. Characterization of CD4+ T cell responses in mice infected with Schistosoma japonicum. Acta Biochim Biophys Sin (Shanghai). 2006 May;38(5):327-34.
- WU Guan-ling. Medical parasitology in China: a historical perspective.Chinese Medical Journal 2005, 118( 9):759-761
- Guang-Fu LI, Yong WANG*, Zhao-Song ZHANG*, Xin-Jun WANG, Min-Jun JI, Xiang ZHU, Feng LIU,Xiao-Ping CAI, Hai-Wei WU, and Guan-Ling WU Identification of Immunodominant Th1-type T cell Epitopes from Schistosomajaponicum 28 kDa Glutathione-S-transferase, a Vaccine Candidate. Acta Biochimica et Biophysica Sinica , 2005, 37(11): 751–758.
- Xiang Zhu, Zhaosong Zhang, Minjun Ji, Haiwei Wu, Yong Wang, Xiaoping Cai, Lei Zhang, Shuying Hu, Feng Lu, Chuan Su, and Guanling Wu。 Gene transcription profile in mice vaccinated with Ultraviolet- attenuated cercariae of Schistosoma japonicum reveals molecules contributing to elevated IFN-g levels. ABBS,2005;37(4):254-264
- 季旻珺、吴观陵。γ-干扰素信号通路及功能相关的基因。生命的化学,2004,24(1):7-9
- 季旻珺 、蔡晓萍、 苏川、 吴海玮、 李光富、 王勇、 朱翔、 王新军、 张兆松、 吴观陵。干扰素-γ对感染日本血吸虫小鼠GTP酶表达的影响。中国寄生虫学与寄生虫病杂志,2004,22(1):29-32。
- 王勇、苏川、张兆松、胡雪梅、刘丰、李春林、季旻珺、朱翔、吴观陵。重组日本血吸虫特异性IgE相关蛋白的纯化及免疫学活性鉴定。中国寄生虫学与寄生虫病杂志,2002,20(3):141-144。
- 胡雪梅、张兆松、吴海玮、苏川、季旻珺、王勇、陈淑贞、吴观陵。用噬菌体随机肽库鉴定日本血吸虫22.6kDa抗原分子的表位。中国寄生虫学与寄生虫病杂志2002,120(13):165-167。
- 胡雪梅、张兆松、苏川、吴海玮、季旻珺、李春林、王勇、吴观陵。日本血吸虫重组线粒体相关蛋白免疫学活性鉴定。中华传染病杂志,2002;2:86-89。
- 胡雪梅、张兆松、吴海玮、李春林、苏川、季旻珺、王勇、朱翔、吴观陵。日本血吸虫rSj338及膜蛋白rSj22.6抗原表位联合免疫对小鼠的保护性研究。中国血吸虫病防治杂志,2002,2:88-91。
- 沈蕾、吴海玮、张兆松、Rosemary Weir、邵莉君、谢彰武、胡林生、陈淑贞、苏川、Yaobi Zhang、Martin G Taylor、吴观陵。日本血吸虫病流行区人群吡喹酮治疗前后细胞因子水平的研究。中国寄生虫学与寄生虫病杂志,2000,18(1):14-17。
- 沈蕾、吴海玮、张兆松、Rosemary E.Weir、谢彰武、胡林生、陈淑贞、Martin G.Taylor、吴观陵。日本血吸虫病流行区人群特异抗原诱导IFN-γ的应答特征。中国寄生虫学与寄生虫病杂志,2000,18(3):132-134。
- L. SHEN, Z.S. ZHANG, H.W. WU, R.E.WEIR, Z.W. XIE, L.S. HU, S.Z. CHEN, M.J. JI, C. SU, Y. ZHANG, Q.D. BICKLE, S.N. COUSENS, M.G. TAYLOR and G.L. WU. IFN-g is associated with risk of Schistosoma japonicum infection in China. Parasite Immunology,2003 Oct;25(10):483-7
- Ji MJ, Su C, Wu HW, Zhu X, Cai XP, Li CL, Li GF, Wang Y, Zhang ZS, Wu GL. Gene expression profile of CD4+ T cells reveals an interferon signaling suppression associated with progression of experimental Schistosoma japonicum infection. Cell Immunol. 2003; 224(1): 55-62.
- Bo Shen, Hui-Qin Dong, Hai-Sheng Tian, Lei Ma, Xiu-Lan Li, Guan-Ling Wu, and Chang-Liang Zhu. Cytochrome P450 genes expressed in the deltamethrin-susceptible and –resistant strains of Culex pipiens pallens. Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology, 2003, 75: 19-26.
- Shen L, Zhang ZS, Wu HW, Weir RE, Xie ZW, Hu LS, Chen SZ, Ji MJ, Su C, Zhang Y, Bickle QD, Cousens SN, Taylor MG, Wu GL. Down-regulation of specific antigen-driven cytokine production in a population with endemic Schistosoma japonicum infection. Clin Exp Immunol, 2002;129(2): 339-345.
- D.P. McManus, A.G.P. Ross, G. M. Williams, A.C. Sleigh, P. Wiest, H. Erlich, E. Trachtenberg, W. Guanling, S.T. McGarvey, Y.S. Li, G.J. Waine. HLA class II antigens positively and negatively associated with hepatosplenic schistosomiasis in a Chinese population. International Journal for Parasitology, 2001, 31: 674-680.
- Zhang Z, Wu H, Chen S, Hu L, Xie Z, Qiu Y, Su C, Cao JP, Wu Y, Zhang S, Wu G. Association between IgE antibody against soluble egg antigen and resistance to reinfection with Schistosoma japonicum. Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg, 1997, 91(5): 606-608.
- Zhang Z, Wu H, Chen S, Hu L, Xie Z, Qiu Y, Su C, Cao J, Wu Y, Zhang S, Wu G. Isotypic antibody responses of a population in an endemic area of schistosomiasis japonica and their epidemiologic significance. Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health, 1997, 28(2): 268-273.
- Olds,G.R., Olveda,R., Wu,G., Wiest,P., McGarvey,S., Aligui,G., Zhang,S., Ramirez,B., Daniel,B., Peters,P., Romulo,R., Fevidal,P., Tiu,W., Yuan,J., Domingo,E., Blas,B. Immunity and morbidity in schistosomiasis japonicum infection. Am J Trop Med Hyg, 1996, 55(5): 121-126.
- Wiest,P.M., Wu,G.L., Zhing,S., McGarvey,S.T., Yuan,J., Olveda,R.M., Peters,P.A., Olds,G.R. Impact of annual screening and chemotherapy with praziquantel on Schistosomiasis japonia on Jishan Island, People’s Republic of China. Am J Trop Med Hyp, 1994, 5(2): 162-169.
- Wiest,P.M., Wu,G., Zhing,S., McGarvey,S.T, Tan,E., Yuan,J., Peters,P., Olveda,R., Olds,G.R. Schistosomiasis japonica on Jishan Island, Jiangxi Province, People’s Republic of China: Persistence of hepatic fibrosis after reduction of the prevalence of infection with age. Trans Roy Soc Trop Med Hyg, 1993, 87: 290-294.
(1)《人体寄生虫学》第3版(专著)(150万字)2005.02 人民卫生出版社(ISBN 7-117-06339-4)
(2)《生物医学导论》2005.09 人民卫生出版社 (ISBN 7-117-07038-2 )
(3)《现代寄生虫病学》2002.05 人民军医出版社(ISBN 7-80157-370-6)