刘星吟,女,南京医科大学教授,博士生导师。 2006年获得中山大学理学博士学位。 遗传学专业。 2006年至2010年,先后在美国Rochester大学生物系和医学院从事表观遗传学和肠道病原微生物与宿主相互作用的信号转到机制的研究。2010-2015 在美国爱因斯坦医学院从事表观遗传学研究。留美其间,并作为主要参者参加美国国立卫生研究院(NIH)项目两项, 美国癌症协会资助项目一项。 2015.7月作为高层次引进人才受聘于南京医科大学病原生物系。
- 美国遗传学会会员(2011- 至今),美国纽约科学学会会员(2010 至今),中国原生动物学会会员,(2003-2005).世界原生动物学会会员(2004-2005)
- 2011-2013 特邀英文编委: Chinese Journal of Gastroenterlogy and Hepatology
- 2014-Current 编委: The Journal of Tumor
- 2015.09-Current 编委: Journal of gastroenterology and hepatology
1、 国家自然科学基金面上项目,81671983,KDM5蛋白维持肠道微生态平衡的功能及其机制研究,2017/01~2020/12。
2、 江苏省自然科学基金面上项目,BK2016021990,KDM5蛋白对肠道菌群稳态的调控机制和功能研究,2016/07~2019/06。
、 南京医科大学高层次引进人才启动经费,2015/07~2019/07。
Novel regulatory roles of Wnt1 in infectious associated colon cancer,2016/05,科学贡献奖,美国消化学会。
1、 江苏省特聘医学专家,2016~2019,江苏省卫生计生委。
2、 江苏省特聘教授,2017~2020,江苏省教育厅。
- Hui-chan He, Zhao-dong Han, Qi-shan Dai, Xiao-hui Ling, Xin Fu, Zhuo-yuan Lin, Ye-han Deng, Guo-qiang Qin, Chao Cai, Jia-hong Chen, Fu-neng Jiang, Xingyin Liu(co-coressponding author), Wei-de Zhong (2013) Global analysis of the differentially expressed miRNAs of prostate cancer in Chinese patients. BMC Genomics, 14:757. 10.1186/1471-2164-14-757(共同通讯作者: IF 4.04)
- Jia-hong Chen, Hui-chan He, Fu-neng JiangJulia Militar, Petor-yang Ran, Guo-qiang Qin, Chao Cai, Xi-bin Chen, Jin Zhao, Zi-yao Mo, Yan-ru Chen, Jian-guo Zhu, Xingyin Liu (co-coressponding author) and Wei-de Zhong, Analysis of the specific pathways and networks of prostate cancer for gene expression profiles in the Chinese Population. (2012) Medical Oncolgoy, 29(3):1972-84.(共同通讯作者IF:2.14)
- Xingyin Liu and Julie Secombe(2015), The histone demethylase KDM5 activates gene expression by recognizing chromatin context through its PHD reader motif. Cell Reports, (IF 8.328)
- Xingyin Liu Christina Greer Julie Secombe (2014), KDM5 interacts with Foxo to modulate/affect cellular levels of oxidative stress, PLOS Genetics, 10.1371/journal.pgen.1004676(5 year IF 9.44)
- Xingyin LiuRong Lu, Shaoping Wu , Yinglin xia , Yong-guo Zhang R. Balfour Sartor and Jun Sun (2012) Wnt2 inhibits enteric bacterial-induced inflammation in intestinal epithelial cells. Inflamm Bowel Dis 18(3):418-29. (5year IF 5.119)
- Xingyin Liu,Shaoping Wu Yinglin Xia, Xi Emma Li and Jun Sun (2011) Wingless homolog Wnt 11 suppresses bacterial invasion and inflammation in intestinal epithelial cells American Journal of Physiology - Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology 301(6):G992-G1003. (5year IF 3.649)
- Xingyin Liu Rong Lu, Shaoping Wu and Jun Sun (2010) Global analysis of the eukaryotic pathways and networks regulated by Salmonella typhimurium in mouse intestinal infection in vivo. BMC Genomics. 11:722-748. (Highly accessed, 5year IF 4.397)
- Xingyin Liu,Rong Lu, Shaoping Wu and Jun Sun (2010) Salmonella regulation of intestinal stem cells through the Wnt/beta-catenin pathway, FEBS Lett. 584(5):911-916. (Cover paper) (IF 3.538)
- Xingyin Liu, Rong Lu, Yinglin xia Wu and Jun Sun (2010) Eukaryotic signaling pathways targeted by Salmonella effector protein AvrA in intestinal infection in vivo BMC Microbiol. 10:326-344(Highly accessed, IF 3.044))。
- Xing-Yin Liu,, Kam-Len Daniel Lee, Yong-Zhen Mao and Li-Pei Jin 2006). Isolation, characterization and phylogeneticanalysisof the cytochrome b gene (cyb) from the hypotrichous ciliate Pseudourostyla cristata Acta Protozoologica . Acta Protozool. 45: 241 – 248( IF 1.317)
- Xing-Yin Liu, Kam-Len Daniel Lee, Yong-Zhen Mao, Tao Liu and Li-Pei Jin (2005) Differential gene expression during stationary phase between amicronucleates and micronucleates of the Ciliated Protist Pseudourostyla cristata. Current genetics 48(6):401-11. ( IF 2.4)
- Rong Lu, Shaoping Wu, Yong-guo Zhang, Yinglin Xia, Xingyin Liu, , David Zhou, Liheng Li, Bruce Marc Bissonnette, Jun Sun (2014) Enteric bacterial protein AvrA enhances tumorigenesis through activating intestinal beta-catenin signaling pathways, Oncogenesis, 93(4):882-90. doi: 10.3382/ps.2013-03723.(IF 5.0)
- Jing Xu, Huaru Tian, Xingyin Liu, Wei Wang and Aihua Liang (2013) Localization and functional analysis of HmgB3p, a novel protein containing high mobility-group-box domain from Tetrahymena thermophile Gene,10;526(2):87-95
- Rong Lu, Xingyin Liu, Shaoping Wu, Yinglin Xia, Yong-guo Zhang, Elaine O Petrof, Erika C Claud, Jun Sun (2012) Consistent activation of the beta-catenin pathway by the bacterial type-three-secretion effector protein AvrA in chronic infected mice, American Journal of Physiology - Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology. 15;303(10):G1113-2. (IF 3.649)
- Shaoping Wu, Yinglin Xia, Xingyin Liu, and Jun Sun ( 2010). "Vitamin D receptor deletion leads to reduction of the total IkappaBalpha protein". International Journal of Biochemistry & Cell Biology 42(2):329-336(IF 4.634)
- Shaoping Wu, Zhongde Ye, Xingyin Liu , Yun Zhao, Yinglin Xia, Andrew Steiner,
Elaine O. Petrof, Erika C. Claud, Jun Sun (2010), Salmonella typhimurium infection increases intestinal p53 acetylation in intestinal epithelial cells. Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol. 298(5):G784-94(IF 3.649)
- Rong Lu, Shaoping Wu Xingyin Liu, Yinglin Xia and Jun Sun (2010) Chronic effects of a Salmonella type-three-secretion effector protein AvrA in vivo. PLOS ONE 5;5(5):e10505. (IF 3.73)
- Hongfang Liu, Liyan Xi, Junmin Zhang, Xiqing Li, Xingyin Liu, Changming Lu, Jiufeng Sun , 2007. Identifying differentially expressed genes in the dimorphic fungus Penicillium marneffei by suppression subtractive hybridization FEMS Microbiol Lett. 270(1):97-103.( IF 3.73)